Face & Neck Procedures

Facelift & Necklift

I aim for a facelift with a rejuvenated and harmonious appearance. To me, a good facelift is one which looks natural. I prefer the term ‘facial rejuvenation’ to ‘facelift’, as facelift does not encompass all the elements or all of the options, however I will use the term ‘facelift’ because it’s the widely accepted and understood term.

The goal of facelift surgery is to address excess skin to diminish wrinkling and sagging in the face and neck, tighten underlying muscles and connective tissue and add fat to create volume. A facelift generally includes a necklift.

Facelift surgery can be divided into thirds:

  1. The upper third is the brow and upper eyelids
  2. The middle third is the cheeks and lower eyelids
  3. The lower third is the jowls and neck

Is a Facelift for You?

Before coming in for a consultation with me, it’s helpful if you have a good look at your face and neck. Unlike an abdominoplasty ‘tummy tuck’, which is relatively straight forward, a facelift is a more extensive procedure and it is specifically tailored to each patient based on their concerns and of course what is achievable. One patient might benefit from fat transfer (from their tummy or inner thigh) because their face is lacking in volume, whereas another patient may have plenty of volume in their face but could benefit from a brow lift, lip lift, or eyelid surgery; a facelift is not a `cookie cutter’ procedure. 

I may also incorporate photodynamic therapy (PDT) or a biostimulator skin treatment application as part of your facelift. The biostimulator product I use is Rejuran which is made from polynucleotides – DNA fragments derived from wild salmon eggs. During your procedure, it is combined with fat and applied to the dermal layer of your skin. This process adds volume to the face and the polynucleotides work by repairing and healing skin damage. This product promotes the secretion of collagen and restores the extra cellular matrix to improve thin and damaged skin caused by aging, whilst simultaneously improving skin elasticity and reducing the appearance of wrinkles. It enhances the success of the fat transfer. My patients have experienced nice improvement in the texture of their skin with this approach. 

We then provide a healing balm and a moisturiser from the Rejuran skin care range (which contains active ingredients) post operatively to complement the Rejuran used during your procedure and to promote healing.

We also offer Rejuran injectables in the practice which can be administered before or after your facelift. Our injector nurse Casey, RN, is trained in the use of Rejuran. The Rejuran range includes different injectables including Rejuran scar which is specifically designed to reduce the appearance of scars (eg acne scarring), Rejuran classic promotes collagen formation, etc.  

What to expect During a consultation

When you come in for a consultation about a facelift, I will discuss having a realistic attitude about the results a facelift can achieve. A facelift cannot stop ageing, nor can it ` turn back the clock’. What it can do is address sagging and wrinkling tissues, restore volume and improve the overall appearance of your face and neck.

Mini Facelift

Some patients may be suitable for a ` mini’ facelift. This is a version of a facelift in which the area of tissue dissection is kept to a minimum. Not every patient is a good candidate for a mini facelift, but some patients gain quite a lot of rejuvenation from a short incision and limited dissection.

The advantages are less bruising and swelling, reduced healing time and some patients can have this procedure performed in the practice without the requirement for hospital admission and general anaesthesia.

During a consultation, I can let you know whether you might be a good candidate for this option.

General risks AND Complications associated with these procedures include

All invasive surgical procedure has a degree of post-operative pain or discomfort.

Infection in the wound with resultant redness, pain and possible discharge.

Rarely, suture lines may come apart requiring prolonged dressings and secondary surgery.

Possible bleeding in the wound with swelling or bruising and possible blood stained discharge.

Very rarely a blood transfusion is required and a return to the operating room to evacuate the clot.

Delayed wound healing above the expected time can require prolonged dressings and convalescence.

Secretions may accumulate in the lungs causing a chest infection.

Clotting may occur in the deep veins of the leg or pelvis, and rarely the clot may break off and go to the lungs (embolism).

Circulation problems to the heart or brain may occur and may result in a heart attack or stroke.


Some of these complications may necessitate a prolonged hospital stay and return to the operating theatre for corrective surgery either immediately or some time after surgery.

Swelling and scar formation – is unlikely to be fully resolved for 18 months (or more) following surgery. 

Damage to nerves in the face resulting in temporary or permanent loss of facial movement and numbness of the ear

Scars can be of poor quality.

Stretched scarring – particularly behind the ear.

Permanent loss of hair in the region of the scars.

Dissatisfaction with cosmetic results. These include scar deformities, asymmetry of the face and earlobes and other shape anomalies. 

Cosmetic concerns may also lead to medical complications.

Recurrence of facial signs of ageing – can occur anytime following surgery, but are uncommon for 5 years.

Weight fluctuations will further alter the shape of the operated face.

Death is possible during or after an operation due to severe complications.


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My vision is to provide my patients with the best outcomes possible and excellent patient care.

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.